Feel like yourself, even as the mom of small children.
We give moms immediate, easy-to-implement support that they can consume while cutting snacks, folding laundry, or driving to soccer practice.
You deserve to feel fulfilled, happy, and whole, even while you are in the hardcore, child-dominated, bootcamp-level hellscape that is parenting.
Download our free checklist of habits that keep you sane.

You feel like you're going crazy.
Your kids are bonkers, your free time is nonexistent, you sleep 2.7 nonconsecutive hours a night....it's all falling apart.
Here's what you need to include in your day to start feeling like a real human again.

Feel Like Yourself
Have an adult identity without sacrificing your committment to your kids.

Find Your Balance
Find a balance between parenting, work, life, and maybe even some actual time for yourself.

Claim Your Purpose
You have a higher calling than changing diapers. Pursue your dreams without being any less of a mom.
You are the glue that holds everything together...everything except you.
You used to be a real human being with a grown up job and a fancy degree.
You had thoughts, goals, dreams, ambitions, and sometimes you even went to the bathroom by yourself.
...and then kids.
Kids you love more than anything in the world. Kids that drive you absolutely batty. Kids you would gladly die for. Yeah, those kids.
Despite your ridiculous, mamma-bear love for your family, you still feel overwhelmed, exhausted, lost, disorganized, emotionally-drained, and unexplainably sad a large portion of the time.
You're there for everyone...but who's there to support you?
You love your role as mom, but wouldn't it be nice if someone was there to support you?
You deserve to be a mom and a fulfilled, happy person...and both at the same time.
Only a fellow mom can understand your crazy, contradictory, emotionally-charged hurricane of a life.

We understand you because we are you. The Stay Sane Mom was created for moms, by a mom.
Liz is an author, coach, and parenting expert (if such thing exists). She also has her PhD in business psychology.
More importantly, Liz has spent the last decade or so with these adorable little monsters. Midnight feedings, homework help, adorable cuddles, and slightly-less-adorable tantrums...she's seen it all.
Go From Chaos to Control in 30 Days
(in Less Than 5 Minutes a Day)

Right now you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, out of balance, and quite possibly more than a little lost.
The 30 Day Sanity Saver video course gives you easy-to-use strategies (in under 5 minutes a day) to make your life as a mom more bearable, balanced, and (dare we say) even sometimes enjoyable.
You can binge all 30 days in a few hours or take one day at a time. This course is all about giving you what you need to feel happier, more balanced, and more secure as a parent.
Make your life feel happier and more sane.
As Seen On
3 Simple Steps to a Saner Mom Life

Step 1
Get Immediate Support
Get a free support video in your email inbox every day for the next week.
Your life, just less lonely.
Step 2
Make Things Easier
Momming is hard enough without creating everything from scratch.
Get done-for-you templates for everything from chore charts to meal prep.
Step 3
Create a Mom-Life Balance
Troubleshoot your specific issues and find a liveable (and enjoyable balance) in your life.
It's like an instruction manual...for your brain.
Our Promises To You
We can't come vacuum for you (or watch your kids while you sleep), but here's what we can promise you.
Based on Experience
Everything you get here is based on real life momming experience. We've been there. Literally.
Based on Real Life
No mom has time to implement a 2-hour-a-day solution. Everything here can be done in naptime-length chunks or less.
Based on Research
You need scientific findings, not things someone read in a meme. We back our wisdom in real research. (Well...that and sarcasm).
Based on Community
Parenting can be effing lonely. We may live inside your computer, but our biggest priority is still making sure you feel like you have real human support.