A Self-Care Christmas

A Self-Care Christmas
While you're shopping for everyone else under the sun, here are some Christmas treats you can get for yourself.
Written by Liz Bayardelle, PhD | See Comments | Updated 12/10/2018
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A Self-Care Christmas
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Moms are amazing, magical, mystical creatures most of the time.
Around the holidays, we transcend our usual levels of self-sacrificing awesomeness and become goddesses of cheer that make sure everyone from crazy aunt Frieda to our actual progeny has a wonderful, fulfilling Christmas with everything they want under the tree.
We have taken it upon ourselves to make sure there are no disappointed faces around the tree. However, to quote Lois Lane, "You've got me...who's got you?" While moms are busy taking care of everyone else, it's tempting to forget to take care of yourself.
So in this (admittedly indulgent post), let's take a second to make sure mom has a Merry Christmas.
Here are my absolute favorite Christmas present categories...for myself. If you're having a stressful holiday season, try splurging on one of these little gems for some renewed holiday energy.
Books to Keep Us Sane Through the Festivities
Books are the fuel for my soul. These aren't fluffy or scandalous, but they are my absolute favorites in the category of productivity, self-development, and self-improvement. These will give you food for thought for every area of your life from your kids to your career.
Satisfy Your Office Supply Fetish
You know you take any opportunity to go to Staples, and it's not due to the reasonably priced copy print center. There's something incredibly soothing about a yummy new notebook or a fresh set of pens.
*Inhales deeply into a bouquet of freshly-sharpened Ticonderogas*
Here are my personal favorites, from 0.3 pens (yes you read that right, 0.3) to the most luxurious journal you'll ever meet.
Fuzzy Blankets
Yes, I am part three-year-old, but nothing says happiness like a fuzzy blanket. Hard day? Blanket. Spouse fell asleep on the sofa and your bed's cold? Blanket. Feeling kind of glum? You guessed it...whiskey. Just kidding. BLANKET!
Here are the best of the best.
Stereotypical Relaxation Devices
Yes, some unique unicorn moms let off steam by going to the pistol range or go-kart track (and bonus points if you do), but others still enjoy the more "classical" forms of relaxation. While these might have been stereotyped in every romantic comedy "just got dumped" scene ever, stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. These are some of the consummate self-care tools for any mom's arsenal.
Good Old-Fashioned Exercise
This is my personal destressing silver bullet. My husband sees that crazy, manic, 'she might be about to reorganize the garage again, but she could possibly be preparing to kill us all' look in my eye, he just hands me my running shoes and double checks that the stroller is in the car.
Not only does exercise give you amazing "me" time, it also burns the calories all those "me" french fries cost you. And that's all before the delicious rush of endorphins that keeps you from tearing your hair out when your toddler finger paints the dog later that night. (Our dogs do not like to be painted, strangely enough.)
These are the secret weapons in my exercise arsenal.
Holiday Lifehacks
There is something to be said about carefully-placed, homemade, painstakingly thought out decorations. In moderation.
However, the following objects will turn a 7-hour fiasco into a 10-minute victory with remarkably similar results. Decorating for the holidays should bring you joy, not a migrane. If it isn't fun to be festive, give these goodies a go.
...and To All [Moms] a Good [Relaxed] Night!
Seriously, mammas, don't work yourself too hard. Little Timmy will be just as happy with his toys if the paper and the ribbon aren't artisan-crafted whatever. Grocery store wrapping paper is just as good. A classroom of 6 year-olds appreciates store-bought cookies just as much as homemade ones.
Stay sane, stay safe, don't strangle any relatives (no matter how racist Aunt Girtie gets when she's on her fourth mug of eggnog), and for the love of all that's holy take some time for you this holiday season.
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About the Author

Liz Bayardelle, PhD
Founder | Contributor
Liz (or Dr. Mommy, as her toddler started calling her after learning what a PhD was) is the happily sleep-deprived mom of a toddler (and professional raccoon noise impersonator), a sparkle-clad kidnado, a teenage stepdaughter, 200 cumulative pounds of dog, and herd of dustbunnies (if daily vacuuming doesn't occur). During nights and naptimes, she uses her PhD in business psychology as an author, speaker, and consultant. She also serves as an executive and principal for three companies, two of which she co-founded with her very patient (and equally exhausted) husband.