Bath Time: Bring Playtime Fun With Toddler

Bath Time: Bring Playtime Fun With Toddler
If you're a parent, you know that your little one's bath time can be a much-anticipated playtime moment between them and you!
Written by Andrea Gibbs | See Comments |
Bath Time: Bring Playtime Fun With Toddler
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If you're a parent, you know that your little one's bath time can be a much-anticipated playtime moment between them and you! As they splash around and explore their new surroundings, they also get some important care. With the many toys available nowadays, it's easy to give your bub some extra fun while washing away any little irritants with the warm soap. But if you want to know other ways to make the most of the time spent with your toddler in the tub, then read on.
Here are ten ways to make bath time extra special for your toddler:
1. Select The Best Toys
This is an essential step. Plenty of toys are on the market, and it is hard to narrow them down to a select few. But if you want to bring playtime fun with your toddler, then select toys that help a toddler learn while she plays. For instance, plastic cups in different sizes encourage filling, pouring, and dumping. At the same time, a set of floating sea animals allows for imagination play, counting skills, and language practice.
2. Bring On Some Bubbles
Bubbles are another great way to bring playtime fun with your toddler. Many kids love playing with bubbles. But if you want to enhance the experience, use a bubble blower instead of just plain soap and water! What about some homemade bubbles? Try mixing one cup of water, 2-3 tablespoons of dish liquid, and two teaspoons of glycerin in a bowl. When mixed well, put the mixture into a plastic bottle and shake well before each use.
You can blow, and your little one can pop; once he's a bit older, you can switch jobs. A variety of wands let your toddler learn the concepts of big and small, not to mention fast and slow and high and low. Narrate as you go, and he will soon learn the words like pop and float.
3. Make It Colorful
As kids say, the more, the better! With this in mind, you can make bath time extra special for your toddler by keeping it colorful. For instance, you can provide your toddler with some baby-safe paints and a paintbrush and let him decorate the inside of the bathtub. This will give him the pleasure of creating without a lot of mess as these paints will not stain the tub.
4. Make it Foamy
You can make bath time extra special for your toddler by making it foamy. To do so, you may add some tear-free foam soap or bubble bath to the water and let your toddler enjoy the fun foam. Your toddler can use the foam to make a mustache, beard, or anything else he can imagine. This will help him develop his creativity and imagination.
5. You Can Try Bath Books
Bath time can also be an excellent opportunity for reading a good book. The warmth and steam of a warm bubble bath allow your toddler to relax and listen to your voice as you read a book or two from his bath book collection. This will help your toddler develop a love of reading and good language skills, which will last into his adult life. And don't forget, books make the perfect gift for any occasion!
6. Try A Few Sing-Alongs
Try bathtime songs if you're looking for a fun way to engage your toddler in playtime activities. There are plenty of fun bathtime songs for toddlers, and your kid may soon learn new words and concepts as he sings along to the song. For instance, you can sing the popular "Rubber Duckie'' song with your toddler. This will help him develop his musicality and imagination.
7. Offer a Magic Show
You can make bath time special for your toddler by offering him a magic show. This can be done in various ways, but the most fun way is to take a new tub toy and magically disappear it whenever your toddler's not looking! This will keep his interest and attention as he watches you pull toy after toy out of thin air.
8. Give Them A Mirror
One sneaky way to make bath time special for your toddler is to give him a mirror. This will give him the pleasure of seeing himself in the tub and seeing how his body looks under the water. Also, he can get a good look at himself while splashing around, which will help him use his hands in the process. Also, it helps a toddler learn how to focus his eyes, follow images, learn new words and discover the amazing things a face can do.
9. Record It
As your toddler is busy having his own fun, don't forget to grab the camera or your cell phone to take some pictures or videos! You can then show it to your toddler for an added special treat at bedtime. This will help him develop his language and memory skills as he repeats what he said in the recording and what you said about the event. This will help him develop vocabulary and his ability to relate with others.
10. Create a Waterfall
It is a simple yet fun way to make bath time extra special for your toddler. All you need to create a waterfall is to hold a bowl of water above his head as he takes a bath. The water will flow down, giving him the pleasure of splashing and feeling the water hit his back. You can also take turns with your toddler, letting him drip water down on you while you're in the tub and then pouring it back over him as he laughs and splashes away.
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Andrea Gibbs
I'm Andrea Gibbs Born, raised, and still living in New York. I'm a work-at-home mom with a background in business development, strategy, and social media marketing. I'm a blog contributor at Baby Steps Preschool to motivate and educate other parents about how they can get their children ahead of the game in school.