10 Essential Self Care Tips for New Moms

10 Essential Self Care Tips for New Moms
The postpartum period doesn’t exactly scream ‘self-care', but here are 10 essential tips for new moms that will have you feeling like yourself again.
Written by Zoe Amy | See Comments | Updated 07/03/2021
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10 Essential Self Care Tips for New Moms
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The postpartum period doesn’t exactly scream ‘self-care.’ You’re torn between caring for the new baby and having time for yourself, which is pretty hard to find when you have a newborn baby needing your attention 24/7.
Well, I’m here to tell you there’s more than one way to care for yourself and the baby at the same time. These ten essential self-care tips for new moms are a good place to start.
Tip #1: Ask for Help When You Need It
Society sometimes treats most moms as if they’re invincible. Those early postpartum days can feel like new moms aren’t supposed to ask for help.
Well, mothers are heroes; that’s non-negotiable. However, everyone needs help at some point, especially new mothers who still getting used to the new change in lifestyle
You can ask your partner for help with the baby, and you can visit a therapist every once in a while if you’re struggling with psychological issues.
Tip #2: Stretch Your Body
Moving your body around is necessary after giving birth to avoid sore limbs and joints. Taking a walk with your baby can be beneficial to you and your baby. If you can’t go for a walk, do some stretching exercises in the house, or enroll in an online yoga class. Even walking in a mall or a grocery store will do. Just move your legs and breathe in the fresh air.
Tip #3: Create Your Own Cocoon
Find your favorite spot at your house, and convert it into a comfortable cocoon. Lay some books if you like to read, put some flowers around, and maybe get a fuzzy rug that feels comfortable under your legs. Whenever you have some alone time, go to this spot and relax.
Tip #4: Go Out of the House
Staying inside all the time isn’t healthy. Try to schedule some time with your partner or your friends and grab a cup of coffee. You can also visit the spa or the hairstylist to have some refreshing alone time.
If you’re willing to take your baby out, take a walk around with the stroller or carrier.
Tip #5: Stay Around the Right Crowd
Staying in the house all day, you’re bound to feel lonely and isolated. You’ll have your partner and the baby to keep you entertained, but sometimes you need to engage with new mothers who can relate to your experience.
You can look up meet-up groups for new moms. If you’re still pregnant, you’ll find plenty of those for mothers getting ready to give birth.
Tip #6: Get Enough Food
Don’t let the new shape of your body stress you. You just gave birth, your body is different now. It’s important to not expect your body to feel or look exactly the same as it did pre-baby. Get enough food to keep you healthy, and drink enough water to stay hydrated. Maintaining adequate nutrition is especially important if you are breastfeeding. This can be something as simple as asking family or friends to help you prepare nutritious meals to reduce cooking time or stocking up on your favorite Mexican tv dinners for something you can grab quickly without too much thought or preparation.
Try not to let taking care of the baby distract you from eating well yourself. You’ll have some time later to watch your calorie intake and follow a diet if you want to.
Tip #7: Rest When Your Baby Sleeps
The moment your baby sleeps, leave whatever task in your hands and have some rest. If you don’t want to sleep, just lie down and look at the ceiling, maybe play some soothing music. Any resting will do, as long as you’re not cleaning or doing home chores.
Try not to spend that time running around the house to tidy or clean. You can do that while the baby is awake.
Tip #8: Exercise If You Can
If you have enough energy for exercise, do it. Going to the gym and heavy exercise are not recommended for new moms, but you can follow a gentle workout plan at home once you have been given the all-clear from your doctor. Don’t go hard on yourself; just move your body around to feel refreshed. It’ll also lift your mood significantly.
Tip #9: Enjoy The Little Things
Try to enjoy all the moments with your baby, even the hard ones. Focus on everything you smell and feel as you’re holding the baby, and be mindful of all the small moments. Your mind will relax, and you’ll be able to reduce the daily stress as you take in your baby’s details. Before you know it, your bouncing baby will be a walking, talking toddler!
Tip #10: Take a Break to Learn
Being a new mom is especially hard if it’s your first baby. You’ll need a lot of knowledge to avoid stressing yourself out, and the only way of acquiring it is by spending time learning. Talk to your pediatrician, find new mothers around you and take advice, and maybe read a book or two on parenting for new moms.
Having enough knowledge will make your mission much easier.
Don’t go hard on yourself; all new moms don’t know how to ‘parent’ at first. Eventually, they get the hang of it, but they need to care for themselves to do it. Take note of those essential tips, and you’ll hopefully have an easier time being a new mom.
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Zoe Amy
Zoe Amy is a passionate breastfeeding advocate,mom of one and founder of breastfeedingmama.net. She lives with her partner, 1 large dog and one very very busy toddler on their 42 foot sailboat. In her spare time she enjoys writing blog posts related to breastfeeding and life with toddlers. In her free time, you'll find her stand up paddleboarding or crafting.